Conditions Treated
Although many people know that mold exposure can cause respiratory difficulties, not many know that it can cause an array of other complaints such as:​
Brain fog & memory difficulties
Joint pain
Sinus pain
Light Sensitivity
Numbness & tingling
Excessive thirst & urination
Night Sweats
Nosebleeds and many more

Conditions Treated
Although many people know that mold exposure can cause respiratory difficulties, not many know that it can cause an array of other complaints such as:​
Difficulties losing weight
Accelerated heart rate
Low or high blood pressure
Muscle weakness & cramping
Abdominal pain
Nerve pain
Anxiety & depression

Sleep disturbances
Night sweats
Brain fog & memory difficulties
Joint pain
Sinus pain
Light Sensitivity
Numbness & tingling
Excessive thirst & urination
The above list is just a fraction of the ways in which your body can express reactivity to mold exposure. Although we speak about mold exposure, one should really consider all of the other problems that exist in a water damaged building (WDB). A WDB can be a host of many things including mold, bacteria and their inflammatory toxins also known as biotoxins. But it doesn't stop there, these organisms have the ability to metabolize many of the materials and chemicals used in the construction of buildings, turning them into new chemicals which can be inflammatory to the system-- also known as inflammogens.
When we speak about the illness that results from exposure to biotoxins produced & the inflammogens mentioned above, we are describing an illness known as CIRS. CIRS, or Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, is an illness that occurs in those who are genetically predisposed. This genetic predisposition leads to an immune system that cannot properly remove biotoxins and etc. As a result the dysfunctional immune system goes into an alert state, releasing many inflammatory compounds.
These inflammatory compounds are normally used by a healthy body to alert the immune system cells to the offending agent. The healthy immune system then acts appropriately by ridding the body of the threat.
However, those who are genetically susceptible build up high levels of inflammatory compounds, which result in a multi-symptom, multi-system illness, of CIRS. Keep in mind nearly 50% of buildings are water damaged, and many people have poor detoxification genetics and dysfunctional immune system genetics. It is possible that if you identified with any of the above complaints, you may be actually living with CIRS and need to be treated appropriately. It should be noted that CIRS can occur as a result of many acute illnesses including Lyme and other infections. All it takes is that initial perturbation to set off a lingering cascade of inflammation.
With that being said, CIRS is not the only form of mold illness- there are fungal, infections, mold allergies, mycotoxicosis and non allergy mediated intolerance to mold. All of which Dr. Tessier treats.
It should also be noted that mold and mycotoxin illness does not occur in a vacuum. Therefore Dr. Tessier is sure to consider your entire case, thus treating the whole person. It is not uncommon for Dr. Tessier to also treat Lyme Disease (acute and chronic), tick co-infections (Bartonella, Babesia, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Powassan, Mycoplasma, Rickettsia and others), Epstein Barr Virus (EBV), Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), histamine intolerance/overload, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS), Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), pyrrole disorders, nutrient deficiencies, food allergies & intolerances, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, heavy metal and pesticide toxicities, autoimmune diseases and many more.